Fanacek explores all things film and television. We start with a theme and plunge down the IMDB rabbit hole of acting credits, far out locations, crazy posters, interesting guest stars, and obscure and often absurd taglines. Forget about six degrees of Kevin Bacon. There’s six degrees of everything! Joined by a guest each week, we’ll learn, poke fun, try to teach, and ultimately honor the people who have graced our screens over the years. So, stay tuned for another exciting episode of...Fanacek!

Monday Feb 24, 2025
Monday Feb 24, 2025
1986. It was a great year to be alive. Sure, the space shuttle Challenger exploded killing everyone onboard and traumatizing the children who watching it on TV. But, rather than dwell on that, I'd rather talk about Night Court. And Amen. And T.J. Hooker. Hell, I'm even gonna educate you on Peter Boyle killing a house full of hippies why Whitman Mayo is a national treasure. Was Rebecca Schaeffer's murder a tragedy? Yes it was. Was it also likely a good thing for My Sister Sam's legacy? I think so. So come with me for all of this and more and experience Fanacek's 1986.

Monday Feb 10, 2025
Monday Feb 10, 2025
We're halfway through the decade and sitcoms are starting to rule the airwaves! Audiences are losing interest in the rich folks of Dynasty, Dallas, and Falcon Crest as they fall in love with the likes of Tony Micelli, Alex P. Keaton, and America's favorite gynecologist, Dr. Huxtable. This episode takes a closer look at classics like The Equalizer, Family Ties, and Alice while also having fun with Courtney Cox's failures, Charles Durning as the patriarch of a black family, and the saga of Claudia Wells.
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Monday Jan 27, 2025
Monday Jan 27, 2025
Forget about George Orwell's 1984. That book is a downer. Fanacek's 1984 will lift your spirits as we explore such shows as Crazy Like a Fox, One Day at a Time, and Murder, She Wrote. We'll also crack wise about some forgotten television shows that included the murderous Delta Burke, monkeys with alien superpowers, and a gay dude in Philly. It might be the greatest podcast episode of all time. I said "might be".

Monday Jan 13, 2025
Monday Jan 13, 2025
I'm back and this time I'm exploring shows from 1982 & 1983. Luck you! We'll touch on such classics as Simon & Simon, Newhart, The Incredible Hulk, Cagney & Lacey, Webster, and M*A*S*H. I'll also explore some interesting programs that are forgotten or that I wish were forgotten...shows that involve horny puppets and racism. BTW, that was the name of my band in high school. Horny Puppets and Racism.

Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Happy 2025! A new year and a new season of your favorite (doubtful) podcast, Fanacek! The next few episodes will deal with the programs that flooded our TV sets in the 80s. I can't really title the episodes "THE Year in TV" or "YOUR Year in TV" because I often focus on some weird shit. But rest assured, you'll enjoy learning about obscure TV shows and hearing my thoughts on your favorite classic TV shows as I go year by year celebrating "FANACEK'S Year in TV". Enjoy!

Monday Dec 09, 2024
Monday Dec 09, 2024
It's finally effing here! The finale in my 9 part series comparing movie and television actors of the 1980s. This fun filled episode has me discussing three different actors across two categories: Thank God They Left TV and Now You're Just Showing Off! The former takes a deep dive into the careers of 2 actors who were the stars of their own television shows before throwing it away to become big screen icons: Geena Davis & Michael Keaton. The latter takes a look at an actor who had a thriving movie career, took a quick pit stop just to prove she could crush it on television, and then went right back to being a movie star: Jamie Lee Curtis. Sit back, pour yourself a bourbon, and let 'ol Fanacek school you.

Monday Nov 25, 2024
Monday Nov 25, 2024
This is a fun episode, folks. It's also a little depressing. But depressing can be fun, right? Well, fun or not, we're about to take a deep dive on three actors whose fall from grace left television as their only option in the 80s. George Peppard, George C. Scott, and Jan-Michael Vincent were once stars of the silver screen, bur after years of drinking, financial woes, and poor behavior, found that TV was their last chance for any significant roles. Like Richard Gere in An Officer and a Gentleman, they had nowhere else to go!!! Enjoy!

Monday Nov 11, 2024
Monday Nov 11, 2024
It's time to kick off the holiday season Fanacek style. You see, here at the Fanacek house, the holidays officially start with the annual viewing of Planes, Trains & Automobiles. There's no better way to get ready for both Thanksgiving and Christmas than by watching the genius of Steve Martin and John Candy in this 1987 classic brought to us by Mr. John Hughes. I'm joined by a guest and we break down the movie scene by scene, discuss favorite lines, and fill in the plot holes by educating you on the deleted scenes that were in John Hughes's original 3 hour cut. And, as usual, I also find ways to go off on tangents and make things about me. Six bucks and my right nut says you're gonna enjoy this episode.

Monday Oct 21, 2024
Monday Oct 21, 2024
There are some actors from the 80s (I'm not gonna name names) that should have abandoned their movie careers early on and make the switch to television. It would have saved them years of decline and humiliation as the quality of their movies slowly sunk into the depth of the VHS bargain bins. Again, I'm not gonna name names...Steve Guttenberg and Judge Reinhold! To show I can also reward actors who made great career choices, I also take a look at an actor who did make an early jump to television and it proved to be brilliant. I won't give away this name, but it rhymes with Schmill Schmeaton. Live long and prosper...or whatever.

Monday Oct 07, 2024
Monday Oct 07, 2024
We've talked about 80s winners. We've talked about 80s losers. Now, it's time to talk about the "just okay" of the 80s. Please join me as I discuss some 80s film and TV actors that were jack of all trades, bur masters of none. Some, like Robert Hays and Kristy McNichol are no brainers, while my man, Don Johnson, is a hot take and will likely piss some of you off. Regardless, it's time to kick back and allow me to wax poetic about more 80s actors.